» History History
Russian-occupied Crimea is without Ukrainian electricity and is likely to remain so until Russia’s occupation ends. It will also not receive goods from mainland Ukraine, and probably not water either. Attempts by Crimea’s parliament to call this “genocide’ and demand urgent consideration of the issue by the UN Security Council run up against insurmountable problems, and not only Russia’s internationally condemned annexation of Crimea. Despite the Kremlin’s attempts to claim that Crimea was always Russian, the peninsula is heavily dependent on mainland Ukraine’s electricity, water and other infrastructure. It is also not Ukraine that refused to provide Crimea with electricity, but Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. Although a civic energy blockade began in late... |
The tragedy that took place on May 18, 1944 changed the lives of Crimean Tatars forever. This pain is unforgettable. Just think for a moment - all death, suffering, and pain were made by man. To understand the pain of others is a gift from God, and I am happy that we have a lot of gifted people who can understand a person’s problem and respect the rights of all others. How terrible it would be, if God left selfish people without the gift of understanding people’s pain. It is not enough to be born as a human. We have to follow the rules of morality to be different from animals. We are all the same human beings, seeking happiness, peace, and freedom. We all want to... |