» Ukrainians in Canada Ukrainians in Canada
On Friday August 2, 2013, SUSK President Christine Czoli, Executive Vice-President Nadia Demko, and Past President Danylo Korbabicz met with the Ukrainian Ambassador, his Excellency Vadym Prystaiko, inOttawa. Mr. Prystaiko was appointed as Ambassador of Ukraine toCanadain November 2012. SUSK met with the Ambassador in order to introduce our organization, voice the perspective of Ukrainian Canadian students with respect to key issues, and discuss potential opportunities for cooperation between SUSK and the Ukrainian Embassy inCanada. Following a brief introduction to the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union, SUSK representatives presented the perspectives of Ukrainian Canadian students regarding key issues relating to Canada and Ukraine... |
Dear Friends! The Ukrainian Canadian Congress and all its member organizations extend greetings and best wishes to the Ukrainian Canadian community and the people of Ukraine on the occasion of the 22nd Anniversary of Ukraine's independence. Twenty two years ago, the people of Ukraine resoundingly voted to peacefully establish a free and independent Ukrainian state. In gaining its independence, Ukraine left behind the oppression of the Soviet Union to join the community of independent nations, with political and policy decision-making being made in Kyiv, not Moscow. The adoption of the declaration of Independence marked a... |
On the occasion of the 22-nd Anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence, the already traditional yearly flag-raising ceremony took place on Thursday, August 22, 2013 in front of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario at Queen’s Park, Toronto. The ceremony opened at noon with “Baturyn” Concert Marching Band (Conductor and Musical Director Petrusia Chornopyska, Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada, Etobicoke Branch) playing the “Prayer for Ukraine” – the Ukrainian National Sacral Hymn. The one hour long program included: - Greetings and opening remarks on... |
MP Ted Opitz (Etobicoke Centre), Chair of the Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Friendship Group welcomes the announcement made today by Minister of International Development, Julian Fantino, that Canada will continue to promote democracy and economic growth in Ukraine through a new project. The announcement was made at a roundtable with representatives of the Ukrainian-Canadian community. MP Opitz co-hosted the meeting with the Honourable Julian Fantino, who reiterated Canada’s support for economic development and democracy in Ukraine. “Canada and Ukraine share historic ties of friendship extending back through generations of Ukrainian migration to Canada. Our interests continue to be rooted in a shared respect for democracy,” said Minister Fantino. “Canada continues to support initiatives in Ukraine that help to improve the lives of Ukrainians by increasing their economic opportunities.” Canada supports... |
The Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival has been named one of the 2013 “Top 100 Festivals and Events” by Festivals & Events Ontario (FEO), the provincial not-for-profit tourism association devoted to the growth of the festivals and events industry in Ontario. Now in its 17th year, the Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival (BWVTUF) has established itself as one of the premier Ukrainian festivals in North America, attracting audiences well in excess of 500,000 from across Canada, the US and abroad to its annual free, three-day street event. The “Top 100” awards were... |
The Ukrainian Canadian Congress congratulates Stephen Poloz on his nomination to be the next Governor of the Bank of Canada. Mr. Poloz, a third generation Ukrainian Canadian from Oshawa, is set to take over from current Governor of the Bank of Canada Mark Carney on June 3, 2013. "The Ukrainian Canadian community congratulates Mr. Poloz on this most important and prestigious appointment," stated Ukrainian Canadian Congress National President Paul Grod. "Mr. Poloz has impeccable credentials and experience at the Bank of Canada and we have every confidence that he will undertake his functions as Canada's central banker with distinction." The Bank of Canada, as Canada's central bank is responsible for Canada's monetary policy, producing and distributing Canada's bank notes, promoting a stable and efficient financial system in Canada, and... |
James Bezan, Member of Parliament for Selkirk-Interlake condemned the Liberal Party for issuing a statement celebrating the Soviet “Victory Day in Ukraine,” a holiday created under the reign of Soviet dictator Leonid Brezhnev. On May 7th, 2013, Liberal Member of Parliament and Critic for Multiculturalism, Jim Karygiannis, released a statement on behalf of the Liberal Party celebrating “Victory Day in Ukraine.” This Soviet-era holiday celebrates the return of the Soviet Union to Ukraine on May 8th at the end of the Second World War. The Soviet occupation of Ukraine lasted until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. “The ruthless Soviet occupation of Ukraine is nothing to celebrate,” said MP Bezan. “The Liberal Party is either extremely ignorant, or tremendously insensitive, to be celebrating the anniversary of 56 years of mass arrests, executions, and famines at the hands of occupying Soviet forces in Ukraine.” The end of the Second World War marked the beginning of the drop of the... |
The statement by the Honourable Jim Karygiannis, P.C., M.P. and Liberal Critic for Multiculturalism, concerning “Victory Day in Ukraine” dated May 9, 2013 reflects a deep misunderstanding of the circumstances that Ukraine and many other nations found themselves in on that faithful day, May 8, 1945. For Ukrainians it is at best, a bitter-sweet commemoration of the official end to WWII. Sweet, because it represented the defeat of the totalitarian Nazi regime. However, in no way did it represent an end to the violence and bloodshed or some sort of “Victory Day in Ukraine.” What Mr. Karygiannis omitted in his celebratory remarks is that, essentially, the Ukrainian and many other nations of Europe fell victim to Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, two totalitarian/ genocidal regimes that instigated the Second World War. And, the bitter truth is that the war against the Ukrainian people did not end on... |
One of the most eagerly anticipated musical fusions will ignite the stage of the Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian Festival on Saturday, September 14, as Ukraine’s classic rockers Kozak System team up with cult musician Taras Chubay for a performance of Ukrainian world music – modern technology and rhythms combined with Ukrainian melodies and piercing lyricism, well- seasoned with high energy. Kozak System and Taras Chubay will headline the Festival Stage at Bloor Street West and Jane Street in a performance that kicks off at 9 p.m. on September 14. Kozak System will perform in two additional Festival events on Friday, September 13 at 9 p.m. and on Saturday, September 14 at midnight, in venues to be announced. These performances are made possible by a generous grant from Celebrate Ontario and through the sponsorship of Ukrainian Credit Union Limited. The Celebrate Ontario grant will... |
The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) announced its call for nominations for qualified individuals for the Taras Shevchenko Medal on February 22, 2013. The Board of Directors of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress will be considering applications at its September 2013 meeting. Only those applications received by June 30, 2013, shall be considered for award at the Triennial Congress. "The Shevchenko Medal is the highest form of recognition that can be granted by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. It recognizes individuals of Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian descent for their outstanding national contribution towards the development of the Ukrainian Canadian community," stated UCC National President Paul Grod. "The Shevchenko Medals will be awarded at the... |