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Don't look now, but Moscow is winning the media war. Since the start of the crisis over Ukraine some four months ago, Russia has waged a massive, sustained media campaign to shape global perceptions about events taking place on the ground there. This offensive—carried out en masse via state-run outlets like Russia Today and through an onslaught of print, radio and television reports—has included everything from blatant mischaracterizations of Ukraine's political parties to outright fabrications about the extent of the pro-Russian sentiment that exists in the south and east of the country. The effort is unprecedented in scope. According to Russian political commentator Igor Eidman, it amounts to the "biggest information special operation" in modern history. And, up until now, it has gone on...


Many policy makers and political analysts have compared Russia’s invasion of Ukraine’s sovereign territory – Crimea – with Hitler’s aggression against Czechoslovakia and the 1938 Anschluss of Austria. An analysis of the unprecedented actions of Putin in modern European history demonstrates the striking similarity between the strategy of the Nazi Führer and the current leader of the Kremlin, notwithstanding differences in time periods and circumstances. HITLER’S THEORIES… In 1940, by which time the flame of the Second World War was burning strong, and still when Stalin was an ally of the Führer, a book was published in...


Ukraine was invaded by Russia and has been dismembered. What happened was not an intervention or an incursion. The Kremlin’s black deeds were not a “stealth war,” nor a Cold War. It was bloodthirsty hot. Ukraine’s Crimea has been under Russian military occupation since March. Heavy weapons fired from inside the Russian Federation have killed Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. More recently, Russian armour and aircraft attacked defending Ukrainian units. Tellingly, POWs were exchanged. Ukraine still faces an (ex)-KGB man turned president-in-perpetuity who barks on how Kyiv ‘s government is “Nazi” even as he parades about cobbling together an ethnic Russian empire. Is “Putler,” as some Ukrainians have...


Comparisons of Vladimir Putin to Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin are exaggerations, but only because President Putin operates in an era of forced transparency. The world has changed so dramatically that today, if Stalin's GULAG and Hitler's concentration camps were to be exposed to billions on daily news programs, that could not but diminish the numbers of victims as well as the degree of atrocity. Certainly, this development does not make Vladimir Putin any less of a psychopath, only less lethal. Putin has manifested that President Obama's and Secretary Clinton's Russia reset policy announced some five years ago was delusional. Still that reset was predicated on earlier policy which had failed to recognize that the U.S.S.R. was merely a variation of the Russian empire and with the U.S.S.R.'s demise, the same aggressor had merely changed its name. Certainly, even...


Four years ago, in October 2010, Canada’s Prime Minister was the first Western leader to visit Ukraine after the election of President Victor Yanukovych. On March 22, 2014, Stephen Harper again was the first head of state to be in Kyiv, this time, to meet with the leaders of a new government appointed by the Ukrainian parliament after Yanukovych suddenly fled the country and left a trail of violence against peaceful protestors. During his first visit, Harper focused attention on the growing authoritarianism by the Yanukovych regime and the need for the world to support human rights and democracy in Ukraine. At the time, Europe and the US were...


Situated in the heart of New York City between the island of Manhattan and Long Island and with the United Nations in its peripheral view, Roosevelt Island stands as a monument to the 32nd President of the United States of America, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. At its edge is a memorial to FDR with a bust of the former president and a park appropriately named “Four Freedoms Park.” On Saturday, March 15, 2014 U.S. Congresswomen Carolyn Maloney held a press conference at this site on the subject of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. At the same time, a vote was taking place a mile away at the prominently visible UN among the members of its Security Council. The press conference sent a strong message of support to the people of Ukraine with...


A Ukrainian Jewish leader opposed to the Russian takeover of Crimea failed to drum up support this week from Israel, which is sitting out the crisis pitting its U.S. ally against Moscow. Edward Dolinsky, head of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, made a lobbying trip to Jerusalem with influential Ukrainian Jewish lawmaker Alexander Feldman. They were not received by officials from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government. Speaking to Reuters on Wednesday, Dolinsky said he and Feldman had sought to win Israeli support for "Ukraine and the aspirations of the Ukrainian people". He voiced dismay at the Netanyahu government's failure to oppose Russia's Crimea move. Such censure, while not...


The Russian Orthodox Church Department of External Affairs had announced back in July that the cross of St. Andrew fromPatras,Greecewill travel toRussia,Ukraine, andBelarusthis summer on the occasion of the 1025th anniversary of the “Baptism of Russia.” So, the X-shaped cross did go toRussia(St. Petersburg,Moscow, and theMoscowregion) for two weeks. It was inMinsk,Belarusfor four days. In Kyiv, the cradle of Rus’ Christianity, remained for only three. From the perspective of the Moscow Patriarchate, these proportions evidently reflect a certain hierarchy of importance...


Go see Agnieszka Holland’s In Darkness, both because it’s an excellent film about the Holocaust in wartime Lviv and because it demonstrates just how deeply rooted some ethnic stereotypes can be. The story is simple: an anti-Semitic Polish sewer worker and part-time crook, Poldek Socha, finds himself in the unexpected position of hiding a group of Jews in Lviv’s sewers. At first, he does so only for money. In time, he abandons his anti-Semitism and acts with altruism. The film ends with the liberation of Lviv by the Soviets and the emergence of the surviving Jews from the sewers. “These are my Jews!” Socha beams. “These are my Jews!” In an interview, Holland emphasized what she thought was one of the film’s strong points: its avoidance of one-dimensional characterizations. Here’s what she says about Socha: First of all, the main character, this Polish guy, was ambiguous, both hero and not hero, and a very simple, ordinary man, not very good. What wa...


As dictatorships collapsed toward the end of the last century and into this one, many people assumed that history moves in only one direction. The tide of freedom had lifted East Asia and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and Indonesia. In an era of global trade and communications, the rest of the world surely would follow. Academics and think tanks studied democratization, often presuming that it could be observed and predicted like any other natural process — that the democratic West didn’t have to do much but watch and wait. Anne Applebaum, a historian and...

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