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Inasmuch as the Russians could not eradicate the national characteristics of the non-Russian nations in the USSR, they had to grant some concessions and to show to the world at the same time that they were “liberal” and not “imperialist.” Thus, Moscow allowed the establishment of the “Union Republics,” which, however, were independent in name only and which were controlled and run by Russian puppets. Meanwhile the Russians pursued the policy of Russification of the non-Russian cultures, and exploited their economies. The USSR was depicted as a “natural political complex,” a sort of Hitlerian Grosswirtschaftraum (Great Economic Complex). The Russian propaganda directed to the free world depicted the “Union Republics” as “free and independent nations,” ridiculing any suggestion that these nations were captive. At the U.N., Russian diplomats fiercely fought off any inquiries or attacks on the...


Liberal democracies need to understand this broadening conflict and respond by sanctioning, isolating and prosecuting those responsible. In 2021, Kabul fell to the Taliban, leaving Afghanistan occupied and oppressed. In 2022, fascist Russia invaded Ukraine and tried to seize power in Kyiv. And earlier this month, Hamas terrorists murdered more than 1,400 Israelis and have taken around 200 hostages. With Moscow so eager to find a distraction, it should come as no surprise that there is growing evidence Russia had a hand in Hamas’s massacre. According to Ukraine’s military intelligence chief, Hamas’s drone tactics seemed similar to Russia’s - a fake video, amplified by...


We all need to be reminded of how the Soviet KGB orchestrated "Operation Payback" to provoke tensions between the Ukrainian and Jewish diasporas, a covert operation regurgitated by the operatives of the Russian Federation and their fellow travellers in the West. Here is the actual document*) and an English translation: “Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine To Comrade V. V. Shcherbytsky MEMORANDUM about active measures against OUN centres abroad The republican Committee of State Security carried out a set of measures to counteract the attempts of reactionary political circles and security services in the West to use the ringleaders of OUN centers abroad in subversive actions against the...


After the recent visit to Canada of Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky, interested parties renewed worn out claims about the presence of “Ukrainian Nazis” in Canada. The media joined the sensationalist chorus, while national leaders of all political stripes issued a flurry of apologies with promises “to access the issue”. Now, back down the memory lane to 9 February 1985 when, in response to loud charges that Canada was harboring “thousands of Nazi War criminals”, the Canadian government established the Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals in Canada headed by Justice Jules Deschênes. The Ukrainian Canadian diaspora was especially singled out by the accusers. However, Justice Deschênes’s public report on the findings of his Commission, released on 12 March 1987, censured in no uncertain terms those...


President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to Canada and his speech in Parliament blew up into a scandal. The world’s leading media outlets, including some Ukrainian ones, reported on the tribute that the president of Ukraine, Canada’s prime minister, and Parliament paid to Yaroslav Hunka, a “Nazi collaborator,” a native of the Ternopil region, who was a member of the SS-Galicia Division. This incident led to the resignation of the Parliamentary Speaker and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s apology to the Jewish community of Canada, because the division was supposedly responsible for killing Jews during the Second World War. The Russians went so far as to demand that war criminals in Canada be prosecuted, while Poland’s education minister announced that he was “taking steps” to extradite Hunka to Poland. This event exposes the significant role of not so much the...


А few facts may be in order. The Third Reich, popularly known as Nazi Germany, was а major belligerent in World War II. The Third Reich had an army (the Wehrmacht). The state was dominated bу the Nazis political party. Not all soldiers іn the German Army were Nazis, in the same way that not all soldiers in the Canadian Armed Forces are Conservatives or Liberals or adherents of any other party. The German Army organized military units comprised of members of the various peoples that it conquered in central and eastern Europe, including Russians and Ukrainians. The unit comprised primarily of ethnic Ukrainians was known as the ...


On Friday, 25 August 2023, in comments made by video to Roman Catholic youth in St. Petersburg, Russia, Pope Francis made the following comments: “Never forget the legacy…You are the heirs of great Russia: great Russia of saints, rulers, great Russia of Peter I, Catherine II, that empire – great, enlightened, of great culture and great humanity.” (As reported by “The New York Times”, Tuesday,29 August 2023) The Pope’s praise of the Tsarist Russian empire was...


Is the pope a Russian imperialist? The answer, alas, may be yes, at least if Pope Francis’s closing words at the August 25th All-Russian Meeting of Catholic Youth in St. Petersburg are any indication of his views. Speaking via video, Francis said the following to the young Russians assembled in the Basilica of St. Catherine of Alexandria: “Never forget the legacy. You are the heirs of great Russia: the great Russia of saints and rulers, the great Russia of Peter I and Catherine II, that great and enlightened empire of great culture and great humanity. Never give up this legacy, you are the heirs of the...


Eighteen months into Russia’s all-out invasion of their nation, the Ukrainian people continue to resist. The response of the free world in Ukraine’s defense, led by NATO nations, has been robust, especially relative to the appeasement that followed Putin’s first invasion of Ukraine in 2014. Eastern and Northern Europe, which well understand the Russian threat, lead in percentage of GDP, but the game-changing military and economic aid has come from the United States. Ukraine is still suffering horrific violence, even as its forces counterattack to regain their occupied territory. Missiles and drones rain down from the skies every day as they face the Russian way of total war – terror and destruction often targeting civilians. But the weapons Ukraine needs to ...


Baturyn, the erstwhile capital of Ukrainian hetmans, was razed to the ground by Russian troops in 1708; 314 years later, the Russian boot trampled it again. The quiet, picturesque and very hospitable small town of Baturyn used to be on par with Kyiv three centuries ago, when it was the capital of Ukrainian hetmans. “Hetmans’ Capital,” as the local history and culture preserve is named, comprises 39 unique sites and objects of history, architecture, archeology and wildlife. Historical research suggests Baturyn as a town is more than 900 years old. Granted the Magdeburg Rights in 1654, it emerged on the political arena in 1663, when Hetman Ivan Briukhovetsky and envoys from Moscow signed an agreement known as “the Baturyn Articles.”...

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