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On 21-22 June, the first World Congress of the Anti-Imperial Bloc of Nations took place in the Lithuanian city of Kaunas, which gathered delegates from the national liberation movements of enslaved nations of Russia and leaders of the anti-imperial front from other countries. Delegates to the Congress were leaders of national liberation movements of enslaved nations: Tatarstan, Ichkeria, Bashkortostan, Oirat-Kalmykia, Cherkessia, Erzyan-Mastor, Buryatia, Karelia and others, as well as representatives of the World Congress of Ukrainians. That is why, during the panel discussion, ways of establishing cooperation between the associations of enslaved nations and Ukrainians abroad were discussed. Special attention was also paid to the discussion of the role of Ukraine as “Ramstein” for enslaved...


The Association of Ukrainians in France and other Ukrainian organizations are urging French authorities to rescind Russia’s invitation to the 80th anniversary celebrations of the allies’ Normandy landings, which marked the opening of the second front in World War II. The event is scheduled for June 6. The organizers have extended an invitation to the Russian diplomatic mission in France. It remains unclear who will represent the aggressor country at the event. “Given the circumstances, President Putin will not be invited,” writes Europe1, citing the “Liberation” mission responsible for organizing the ...


Two more American states – Iowa and New York – have recognized the Holodomor of 1932-1933 as genocide against the Ukrainian people, as reported by the Ambassador of Ukraine to the USA, Oksana Markarova. On November 17, the government of Iowa issued a proclamation on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor. In the document, Iowa recognized the mass famine of 1932-1933 as genocide against the Ukrainian people and declared November as the month of remembrance for the Holodomor genocide in Ukraine. “We are sincerely grateful to Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds for solidarity with Ukraine. Thanks to the Consul General of Ukraine in Chicago Serhiy Koledov and the Ukrainian community for their active work in honoring the memory of the victims of the Holodomor,” Markarova...


Hungarian scientist Ferenc Krausz, who has just been awarded the Nobel Prize in physics, has offered his prize money to victims of the war in Ukraine, Portfolio reports. Krausz, who is originally from the Hungarian town of Mór and currently lives and works in Germany, is one of the pioneers of attophysics. He shared this year's Nobel Prize in physics awarded for his research on ultrashort pulses of light, with two of his fellow researchers, Pierre Agostini and Anne L'Huillier. You may read more about their research in this article. The three prize-winning researchers will share a...


This investigation was reported and produced by Yousur Al-Hlou, Masha Froliak, Dmitriy Khavin, Christoph Koettl, Haley Willis, Alexander Cardia, Natalie Reneau and Malachy Browne. When videos and photos emerged in April showing bodies of dozens of civilians strewn along a street in Bucha, Ukrainians and the rest of the world voiced horror and outrage. But in Russia, officials had a completely different reaction: denial. President Vladimir V. Putin dismissed the gruesome scene as “a provocation,” and claimed that the Russian Army had nothing to do with it. But an eight-month visual investigation by The New York Times concluded that the perpetrators of the massacre along Yablunska Street were Russian paratroopers from the 234th Air Assault Regiment led by Lt. Col. Artyom Gorodilov. The evidence shows that the...


The Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Foundation (UCCLF) hallows the sacrifices and service of the thousands of Ukrainian Canadian men and women who enlisted in the armed forces of our country. In particular, UCCLF recognizes those who volunteered for overseas service during the Second World War and who, in England, organized the Ukrainian Canadian Servicemen's’ Association (UCSA) and a “London Club” (at 218 Sussex Gardens, London). A number of the sons, daughters and grandchildren of Canada’s Ukrainian pioneer-settlers remained in Europe to help save Ukrainian political refugees and Displaced Persons (DPs), organizing the Central Ukrainian Relief Bureau (CURB) with the financial support of the Ukrainian Canadian Relief Fund (UCRF) and United Ukrainian American Relief Committee (UUARC)...


“We, the G7 foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the High Representative of the European Union, express our utmost concern about Russia's actions against Ukraine in the Kerch Strait and surrounding waters, which have dangerously raised tensions. There is no justification for Russia’s use of military force against Ukrainian ships and naval personnel. “We urge restraint, due respect for international law, and the prevention of any further escalation. We call on Russia to release the detained crew and vessels and refrain from impeding lawful passage through the Kerch Strait. “We, the G7, once again reiterate that we do not, and will never, recognize...


On October 26, 2017 Manor College hosted its fourth Ukraine focused dialogue on campus. The college welcomed U.S Congressman and Co-Chair of the Ukraine Caucus, Brian Fitzpatrick; US Congressman and Ukraine Caucus member Brendan Boyle; First Ambassador of the U.S to Ukraine, Hon. Roman Popadiuk; and US Justice Department Prosecutor and Advisor to the Procurator’s Office in Ukraine, Bohdan Vitvitsky. The panel was moderated by Manor College President, Dr. Jonathan Peri. The program directly complemented Manor College’s mission, which is to offer students a global vision through education. As America’s only Ukrainian heritage college, this dialogue was Manor College’s fourth Ukraine focused dialogue, which further proves Manor’s commitment to being the hub for discussion and deliberation around what Americans can do to help and support Ukraine...


Today Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland announced that Canada will include Ukraine in the Automatic Firearms Country Control List (AFCCL). Through this announcement, Canada once again demonstrates its steadfast support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. “Foreign Minister Freeland’s announcement reflects the close ties and special relationship between Canada and Ukraine. Canada continues to demonstrate solidarity with Ukraine during this time of continuing military aggression by the Putin regime. Canadian armed forces personnel will not only continue to train and help to further professionalize the armed forces of Ukraine, but now these brave Ukrainian soldiers heading to the hot conflict on Ukraine’s eastern front will have the opportunity to be properly equipped,” stated Wrzesnewskyj...


I. Between 2014 and 2016, the provocations against the Ukrainian community in Poland and against Polish-Ukrainian relationships have been organized and coordinated in south-eastern Poland. These provocations had the form of defacing and destruction of memorials associated with the period of the Second World War and the Polish-Ukrainian struggles in the post-war period. Destruction and desecration occurred in: Białystok neer Liski (ukr. Білостік), municipality of Dołhobyczów, Lublin Voivodship...

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