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Ukrainians in Canada



          On Thursday, September 26, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress recognized seven deserving individuals with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal and thirteen outstanding community leaders with the  UCC Leadership Award.

          "It was a tremendous honour to present these awards to such worthy leaders from our community," stated Ukrainian Canadian Congress National President Paul Grod. "It is only fitting that these important leaders of our community are recognized. I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank them for their tremendous work in building and leading our community in Toronto and across the country."

          The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals were presented to Bozhena Iwanusiw, Valentina Kuryliw, Irka Mycak, Olya Sheweli, Mary Szkambara and Oksana Zakydalsky.

          On Thursday evening, at the Trident Hall in Toronto, an awards ceremony was held to present the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals and the UCC Leadership Awards. (see attached biographies and photos). The awards ceremony was emceed by Ms. Christina Czoli, President of Ukrainian Canadian Students' Union (SUSK) and attended by approximately 250 members of the Toronto community, including UCC Toronto President Oksana Rewa.

          The keynote speaker for the evening was Mr. Paul Grod who presented the medals and awards and addressed the crowd on current priorities of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress including the XXIV Triennial Congress of Ukrainian Canadians being held for the first time in 70 years in Toronto on November 8-10, 2013. The UCC Leadership Award was presented to Omelan Chabursky, Walter Chewchuk, Olya Grod, Ivan Iwaniura, Anna Kisil, Pavlo Lopata, Bohdan Onyschuk Q.C., Zenon Poticzny, Renata Roman, Markian Shwec, Orest Steciw, Anna Trojan and Luba Zaraska.

          Finally, Mr. Armin Konn, head of the organization "Ukrainian Free Kozaks" presented Pavlo Grod and UCC Toronto President Oksana Rewa with the Cross of the Ukrainian Kozak Brotherhood.

          "It is important for us as a community to recognize those leaders who volunteer their time to help build this community on a daily basis," stated Oksana Rewa.

          The awards ceremony was hosted jointly by Ukrainian Canadian Congress Toronto Branch and UCC National.  Those assembled were treated to a performance by the musical trio Chervoni Maky.  

          Biographical notes on awards recipients and photos of the awards presentations can be found in our photo gallery by clicking on these links:  



Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal

          Created in 2012 to mark the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada, the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal was a tangible way for Canada to honour Her Majesty for her service to this country. At the same time, this commemorative medal served to honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians.  



Ukrainian Canadian Congress Leadership Award   


          The Leadership Award of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress provides the opportunity to recognize worthy individuals in the communities where they reside.  The UCC established the Leadership Award in August 2010.

          It shall be bestowed upon:

          a) a worthy individual that has made a significant national contribution to the development of the Ukrainian Canadian community; or 

          b) a Ukrainian Canadian that has demonstrated individual excellence on a national scale in the areas of arts, culture, athletics, media, politics, business, entertainment, education, academia, health sciences, community or religious development, social services, civil society and leadership.   


“Ukrainian Echo” extends its warmest congratulations to all the recipients of the Awards.



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