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        Ottawa - James Bezan, Member of Parliament for Selkirk-Interlake-Eastman, released the following statement regarding the 4th Anniversary of the tragic shootings which took the lives of over one hundred Ukrainians during the Revolution of Dignity:

        “Today we remember the lives of the Heavenly Hundred who were senselessly murdered while peacefully protesting against the corrupt Ukrainian government of President Viktor Yanukovych. After four years of rampant corruption, the continued violation of democratic rights, and President Yanukovych blatant disregard of the European aspirations of his own people, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian’s took to the streets to call for the resignation of President Yanukovych. 

        “Rather than meet with these Euromaidan protestors to discuss reforms, President Yanukovych sanctioned police brutality and murder. Unfortunately, over one hundred proud Ukrainian heroes made the ultimate sacrifice in their quest for a free, democratic, and law abiding Ukraine.

        “Within days of these senseless  acts of violence, I was on the Maidan to mourn for these fallen heroes, and to offer witness to the brutality of the Yanukovych regime who had violated the human rights of these innocent Ukrainians.

        “We must remember the sacrifice of these brave Ukrainian men and women. We must continue to aid Ukraine in its democratic reforms, and support Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression and occupation of Ukrainian territory. The legacy of the Heavenly Hundred, and all those who took part in the Revolution of Dignity, lives on in the actions we take today and in the future.

        “Slava Ukrayini! Heroyam slava!”



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