On behalf of the Ukrainian Echo we wish you a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!
Christmas is a time of unconditional love, charity and joy. The birth of Jesus Christ has taught us to find kindness and understanding for those less fortunate than ourselves.
For most of us Christmas will consist of celebrating midnight Mass, singing Carols and of course, Christmas dinner with family and friends. However, this year Christmas takes on an additional meaning, for the unthinkable violence that headlines our news day-in and day-out cruelly robbing families of their loved ones in Ukraine. Christmas will only serve as a stark reminder of the fragility of life, the pain, suffering, and that words at times like these, fail to convey the tremendous sense of loss that families in Ukraine endure. For them the meaning of Christmas will never be the same. For those who have lost their loved ones or who have lost their homes, jobs and life savings, we pray that Christmas will still provide each and everyone with a renewed sense of peace, hope, love and life.
We thank you all as loyal readers, contributors and clients for your ongoing support and pray that next year will mark a new beginning.