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Right Rev. Archpriest Volodymyr Makarenko,

Rev. Oleh Kachur,

Honoured Guests, Church and Community Leaders,

Ladies and Gentlemen:


On behalf of the League of Ukrainian Canadians and League of Ukrainian Canadian Women, I would like to sincerely thank Right Rev. Archpriest Makarenko, Rev. Oleh Kachur, our speakers and performer, members of the Ukrainian Youth Associations CYM and Plast, those responsible for technical assistance, our sponsors and organizers, our master of ceremonies, the Consulate General of Ukraine in Toronto and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Ontario Provincial Council for your support, and indeed all of you, ladies and gentlemen, for the contribution you have made to today’s flag-raising ceremony. This year’s observance marks the 28th anniversary of that moment in Ukraine’s history when the Ukrainian people achieved historical justice and their rightful place in the comity of nations.

This year’s observance is also important because Ukrainians worldwide are commemorating the 86th anniversary of the Holodomor – the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933 – perpetrated by the Soviet Russian regime under Stalin against the Ukrainian people. We bow our heads in memory of the victims.

The genocide of the Ukrainian people resulted in millions of deaths and further persecution. The trauma of the Holodomor, the prohibition of speech regarding it, coupled with the resettling of ethnic Russians to replace the Ukrainians killed by famine, all led to a process of Russification, which today has become the pretext for Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, under the false claim he is defending Russian speakers.

Therefore, this year’s observance is especially significant, given Russia’s invasion of Ukraine more than five years ago - Russia’s invasion, occupation and annexation of Ukraine’s sovereign territory - Crimea; Russia’s invasion and occupation of significant parts of the Luhansk and Donetsk provinces in eastern Ukraine, as well as Russia’s incessant acts of terrorism against the Ukrainian people. Many thousands of Ukrainians fighting for the independence of their country have been killed and wounded by the Russian invaders. Many hundreds have become Ukraine’s war amputees. Hundreds of Ukrainian POWs and hostages have been beaten, tortured, murdered and illegally imprisoned, kidnapped and forcefully taken to Russia and imprisoned there, including 24 Ukrainian sailors illegally incarcerated by Putin’s regime. Thousands of Ukrainian families have lost loved ones. More than 1.8 million internal refugees have fled from Ukrainian territory, invaded and occupied by Russia, to safe regions under Ukraine’s control. And yet, Ukraine has persevered, persevered with the support of its friends, especially Canada.

Thus, as Canada and Ukraine move forward together to stop further Russian aggression, there can be no room for failure on the part of the Ukrainian and Canadian governments. Ukraine has made considerable progress in pushing through badly-needed, important reforms that serve as pillars in Ukraine’s development as a political nation, and with Canada’s support, Ukraine will continue to push through further reforms that will eventually complete the democratic process of enabling the Ukrainian people to develop a more fair and just society.

However, we must not forget that Russia is a state sponsor of terrorism and an existential threat to Europe and NATO, of which Canada is a member, and indeed a threat to the free world. We must resist all attempts to condone its evil deeds, the latest example being the attempt to reinstate Russia in the G8. We must be resolute in our determination to contain and eventually eliminate this aggressive force dangerous to our very existence.

And so, the raising of Ukraine’s national flag at Queen’s Park today is of utmost importance and a reaffirmation of Canada’s recognition of the Ukrainian people’s great sacrifice on the arduous road to freedom, and Canada’s support for an independent, democratic, secure and prosperous Ukraine. And for this, we the Ukrainian Canadian community are forever grateful.


Glory to Canada!

Slava Ukrayini!



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