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Thu, April 21, 2022

Premiers, mayors, senior intelligence and military officials and a handful of Canadian journalists are now banned from entering Russia following the latest round of sanctions announced by President Vladimir Putin's regime.


On Thursday, the Russian Foreign Ministry added 61 Canadians to what it calls its "stop list," prohibiting them from entering Russia indefinitely.

All are accused of being "involved in the development, substantiation and implementation of the Russophobic course of the ruling regime in Canada," said the ministry.

When he heard that he'd been banned, Lloyd Axworthy, a Chrétien-era cabinet minister who now heads the World Refugee Council, laughed it off.

"The old saying is that you're well known by the company you keep and by the company that doesn't like you," he said.

"It's not surprising but it indicates to me how silly they really are."

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, who supported installing bilingual "Free-Libre Ukraine" signs outside the Russian embassy, said he'll continue to support Ukrainians and "antagonize the Russians."

"I had no plans to go to Moscow or any part of Russia and wouldn't do so because I don't want to give them any element of support," he told CBC.

"But it's a serious issue. They're doing this because, quite frankly, I think they're losing the public relations war as a result of their illegal occupation of parts of Ukraine."

The sanctions were imposed in the same week the Canadian government announced its own new round of sanctions targeting individuals with ties to the Russian government — including Putin's daughters.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also announced this week plans to send heavy artillery to Ukraine as Russian forces step up their attacks in the country's eastern regions.

The 61 people added to Russia's growing "stop list" are:

Cameron Ahmad, director of communications to the prime minister

Maj-Gen. Steve Boivin, commander of Canadian Special Operations Forces Command

Jeremy Broadhurst, senior adviser to the prime minister

Shelly Bruce, head of the Communications Security Establishment (CSE)

Vice-Admiral Craig Baines, commander of the Royal Canadian Navy

Halyna Vynnyk, head of the League of Ukrainian Canadian Women

David Vigneault, director of the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS

Terry Glavin, journalist and columnist

Balkan Devlen, senior fellow with the Macdonald-Laurier Institute

Romeo Dallaire, retired senator and former Canadian Forces lieutenant-general

Col. Ryan Deming, commander of the 8 Wing division at the Canadian Forces Base in Trenton

Lt.-Gen. Luc-Frederic Gilbert, commander of the Operation Unifier training mission in Ukraine

John Ivison, journalist and columnist at the National Post

Martine Irman, chair of Export Development Canada (EDC)

Jason Kenney, premier of Alberta

Brian Clow, deputy chief of staff to the prime minister

Dan Costello, foreign and defence policy adviser to the prime minister

Frederick Côté, former commander of the Unifier training mission

Melanie Lake, former commander of the Unifier training mission

Mark MacKinnon, senior international correspondent Globe and Mail

Shuvaloy Majumdar, senior fellow with the Macdonald-Laurier Institute

Sabrina Maddeaux, columnist

Tiff Macklem, governor of the Bank of Canada

Roman Medyk, Chair, BCU Foundation

Michael Melling, head of CTV News

Borys Myhajlets , Ukrainian League of Canada

Scott Moe, premier of Saskatchewan

David Morrison, deputy minister of international trade and personal representative of the prime minister for the G7

Lt.-Gen. Al Meinzinger, commander of the Canadian Air Force

Ketty Nivyabandi, secretary general of Amnesty International Canada

Sandra Aube, chief of staff to the minister of foreign affairs

Vice-Admiral Robert Auchterlonie, commander of the Canadian Joint Operations Command

Mike Power, chief of staff to the minister of national defence

Lt.-Gen. Alain Pelletier, deputy commander of the North American Aerospace Defense Command

Bob Rae, Canadian ambassador to the United Nations

Michael Sabia, deputy minister of finance

Rear Admiral Brian Santarpia, commander of Maritime Forces Atlantic and Joint Task Force Atlantic

Jill Sinclair, Canada's representative to the Ukraine Defence Reform Advisory Board

Heather Stefanson, premier of Manitoba

Ryan Stimpson, former commander of the Unifier training mission

Maj.-Gen. Michel-Henri St-Louis, acting commander of the Canadian Army

John Tory, mayor of Toronto

Patrick Travers, senior foreign policy adviser to the prime minister

Jeffrey Toope, former commander of the Unifier training mission

Catherine Tait, president of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

Katie Telford, chief of staff to the prime minister

David Walmsley, editor-in-chief of the Globe and Mail

Jim Watson, mayor of Ottawa

Graham Flack, secretary of the Treasury Board

Doug Ford, premier of Ontario

David Fraser, retired major general

Michael Harris, contributing editor with The Tyee

Tasha Kheiriddin, National Post columnist

Sarah Heer, former commander of the Unifier training mission

John Horgan, premier of British Columbia

Leslie Church, chief of staff to the deputy prime minister and minister of finance

Janice Charette, acting clerk of the Privy Council

Richard Shimooka, fellow at the MacDonald-Laurier Institute;

Chris Ecklund, founder of FightForUkraine.ca

Lloyd Axworthy, chair of the World Refugee Council

Oz Jungic, policy adviser to the prime minister.


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