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Ukrainians in Canada



        Ukraine marks 25 years since the Declaration of Independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The day is not only celebrated in Kyiv with a patriotic and large-scale military parade, but also observed and celebrated across the world wherever Ukrainians reside. This year, according to the EuroMaidan Press, there were 105 celebrations worldwide dedicated to Ukraine's 25th anniversary of Independence. In Toronto, the League of Ukrainian Canadians (LUC) in co-operation with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), Toronto Branch, organized an official Ukrainian flag-raising event in front of the Ontario Legislative Building at Queen’s Park. The celebration was attended by over two hundred community members who waved their blue and yellow flags, shared their recollections of the beginnings of the sovereign state of Ukraine, and greeted each other with the patriotic “Glory to Ukraine!”

        Map Source: http://euromaidanpress.com/2016/08/24/interactive-map-of-celebrations-of-ukraines-25th-independence-anniversary-worldwide/#arvlbdata

        The official program began with an ecumenical prayer delivered byHis Grace Bishop Stefan Chmilar of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada and the Very Rev. Archpriest Bohdan Hladio of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, Eastern Eparchy.

        This was followed by LUC executive member Ihor Kozak’sopening remarks on behalf of the event’s organizers. He has visited the Ukrainian war-ravaged territories and spoke about Russia's invasion of Ukraine, about the eastern front in the war against Russia, and the sacrifices made by Ukrainian troops. He saidthat the territory of Ukraine and the freedom of its people need to be defended by both the citizens of Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora through various channels – economic, political, diplomatic and military.

        Oksana Rewa, the past president of UCC-Toronto, also greeted the crowd on behalf of the organizers and introduced the first speaker representing the Government of Ontario, MPP for Etobicoke-Centre, Yvan Baker. He congratulated the Ukrainian governmentand Ukrainians in his own riding and across Ontario for standing firm in defending Ukraine. Yvan Baker also delivered the official greetings on behalf of the Premier of Ontario, Hon. Kathleen Wynne, who issued the following remarks: “The Ontario government is firm in our support for Ukraine’ssovereignty and territorial integrity. We stand with theinternational community in our commitment to ending foreignaggression and intervention in Ukraine to ensure its freedom,democracy and independence.I stand in solidarity with you and all those who seek a peaceful,democratic and independent path for Ukraine.”

        Patrick Brown, MPP for Simcoe-North and the Leader of the Official Opposition in Ontario, sent his greetings on behalf of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Caucus. In his address, he expressed pride in being a Canadian, since Canada “under the leadership of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, became the first Western country to recognize Ukraine’s independence as a sovereign state.” Since this year also marks the 125th anniversary of Ukrainian settlement in Canada and Ontario is home to one-third of the 1.2 million Canadians of Ukrainian descent, Patrick Brown stated: “I am also proud that in 2011, former Progressive Conservative MPP Gerry Martiniuk introduced the Ukrainian Heritage Day Act, which set September 7 as Ukrainian Heritage Day in Ontario to mark the anniversary of the arrival of the first Ukrainian immigrants in 1891.”

        Next, a message from the Leader of the Official Opposition in Canada, Hon. Rona Ambrose, PC, MP, was delivered by the Hon. Peter Kent, MP for Thornhill. The congratulatory message referred to the previous Conservative government and assured that “Conservative Members of Parliament will continue to advocate for a strong Canadian response to continued Russian aggression.” Unfortunately, no federal MPs from the Liberal Party of Canada attended the flag-raising ceremony.

        Following Mr. Kent’s address, the Concert Marching Band “Baturyn” of the Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada, Etobicoke Branch, with John Samijlo conducting,  played the national anthems of Canada and Ukraine. Due to the renovations at Queen’s Park the flags of Canada and Ukraine were held by members of the Ukrainian Youth Association, Mississauga Branch, DanyloKostetskyj and Oleg Miklas.

        Next in the program, the newly appointed Consul General of Ukraine in Toronto, Hon. AndriiVeselovskyi, congratulated all Ukrainians in Canada on behalf of the Government of Ukraine.His address was followed by Oksana Kaczala, the VP-East of the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union (SUSK), who underlined that SUSK’s university student organizations “will continue to advocate on behalf of their student members to ensure that Canada fully supports Ukraine as it moves forward to provide security, economic independence and prosperity to its people. Supporting an independent Ukraine supports liberty, equality and justice.”

        The musical performance of Miss Ukrainian Toronto, ValentynaButenko who sang “Krayinamoia” (My Country), enriched the official program by involving the attendees in the singing of the chorus.  This was followed by remarks delivered by UCC-Toronto board member Oleksandr Romanko, who stressed the importance of helping Ukraine through federal and provincial government programs, as well as community establishments such as UCC-Toronto and its 52 member organizations. He also offered the following observation: “We are standing here under the hot sun for just one hour during our celebration, but Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers have been standing under the hot sun, in the cold, in the rain for days, weeks and months.”

        Finally, the event was concluded with official thanks on behalf of the event organizers. The president of the League of Ukrainian Canadians,Orest Steciw, not only thanked everyone for their contribution in making the event a success, but alsoreaffirmed the importance of Canada’s recognition of “the Ukrainian people’s great sacrifice on the arduous road to freedom, and Canada’s support for an independent, democratic, secure and prosperous Ukraine.”



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