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Ukrainian Art Song Summer Institute 2018 to be held August 13-19 in Toronto featuring the Artists in Performance concert on August 19 and the Launch of the Galicians II recording.


Toronto – The Ukrainian Art Song Project (UASP) has announced that the Ukrainian Art Song Summer Institute 2018 will be held August 13-19 in Toronto at the historic Royal Conservatory of Music, Temerty Theatre. Eight North American emerging artists will develop their knowledge of Ukrainian art songs during a week of master classes, collaboration and intensive coaching by a professional faculty. 

The Institute will end with the Artists in Performance concert on August 19 at the Conservatory’s Temerty Theatre. These rising stars will interpret the works of Ukrainian composers Ostap and Nestor Nyzhankivsky, Myroslav Volynsky and Jaroslav Lopatynsky, with accompaniment by pianists Albert Krywolt and Robert Kortgaard.

Host and Artistic Director, British bass-baritone Pavlo Hunka will provide lively and insightful commentary.

The concert will also feature the launch of UASP’s latest recording, Galicians II.

This year’s participants include: Douglas Graham Baritone; Julie Anna Gulenko, Soprano; Kateryna Khartova, Soprano; Olenka Slywynska,  Mezzo-soprano; and Allison Walmsley, Soprano.  Returning to the Summer Institute for a second season are: Ariane Meredith, Mezzo-soprano; Andrew Skitko, Tenor; and Olesia Verzole, Soprano.

Once again, the summer program will bring together the foremost authorities in Ukrainian art song to offer their expertise and experience to the vocalists. UASP Artistic Director, Pavlo Hunka will be joined by Dr. Melanie Turgeon, Dr. Anna Ferenc and collaborative pianists Albert Krywolt and Robert Kortgaard. Through daily master classes and individual rehearsals, the participants will gain a greater understanding of the music, language, interpretation, poetry and history of Ukrainian art songs.

The Institute is once again offering free public auditing of selected master classes and is publishing the second Anthology of Ukrainian Art Songs. To register for the master classes, please visit www.ukrainianartsong.ca. The Anthology will available for purchase on the day of the concert and on the website as well.

Tickets for Artists in Performance are $18 (incl. taxes) for Students (with ID) and $37 (incl. taxes) for Adults. They can be purchased online at http://www.rcmusic.com/concerts (click on the “Concerts by Others” tab) or at www.ukrainianartsong.ca. They can also be bought in person at the RCM Box Office, 273 Bloor St. West.

The Ukrainian Art Song Project was founded in 2004 with the goal of acquiring and promoting the classical treasures of Ukrainian art song and aims to publish a veritable anthology of over 1,000 art songs by over 26 of Ukraine’s greatest composers. The project operates under the auspices of the Canadian Ukrainian Opera Association, a registered charity, whose objectives are to promote Ukrainian classical music in all its forms, including live performances and recordings.

The Summer Institute helps ensure that Ukrainian art songs are discovered, learned and performed globally. Last year’s participants have already incorporated the art songs that they learned at the Institute into their repertoires and are sharing them with colleagues, teachers and their audiences. Ukrainian art songs speak eloquently about the country’s history, challenges and character. They deserve to be performed and to take their place on the classical world’s stage.

For more information on the Ukrainian Art Song Project, go to www.ukrainianartsong.ca

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