» Diaspora Diaspora
Virlana Tkacz, founding director of Yara Arts Group, a resident company at La MaMa Experimental Theatre in New York, spoke at the University of Alberta on February 2 and 3. She gave one talk as part of the Canadian Institute for Ukrainian Studies seminar series and another as part of the Kule Folklore Centre Graduate Lunch talks. In addition to her formal talks, she visited Ukrainian language and folklore classes and shared her knowledge with students. Tkacz is the creator of 21 original theatre pieces which have been performed all over the world. She shows her work not only at La MaMa and the Ukrainian Museum in New York; she has had shows in Ukraine and even brought her creations to the villages of Kyrgyzstan and Buryatia, Siberia. Tkacz creates her pieces by talking to people and by recording their stories and their music... |
Local Ukrainian Canadians came together at the Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian Community Center in Etobicoke, Ontario on Sunday, February 5, 2012 to thank three Members of Parliament from ridings of Etobicoke/ Mississauga for their support of Ukraine and to raise funds for a memorial in Ottawa to victims Communism. MPs Bob Dechert (Mississauga Erindale), Ted Opitz (Etobicoke-Centre), and Bernard Trottier (Etobicoke Lakeshore) were honoured guests and featured speakers at a benefit luncheon organized by Etobicoke/Mississauga and Toronto Chapters of the CCSU: League of Ukrainian Canadians (LUC), League of Ukrainian Canadian Women (LUCW), Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada (CYM), and the Society of Veterans of UPA... |
For the first time, Ukrainian Canadian Carollers performed traditional Ukrainian Christmas carols "Koliady" and "Shchedrivky" at the Prime Minister's residence today. Weathering a January winter storm in Ottawa, the carollers arrived at 24 Sussex at 5:30 and greeted Mrs. Laureen Harper with the traditional Ukrainian Christmas greeting "Khrystos Narodyvsya", and sang "Dobriy vechir tobi" and asked "do you accept carollers?" The carollers then performed "Boh Predvichni" - God Eternal, performed by the entire group. This was followed by a traditional Ukrainian Christmas greeting, a "vinchvannya" recited in English by Mr. Keith Swinton... |
The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) congratulates Roman Brytan on being awarded the prestigious Sierhey Khmara Ziniak Award by the Canadian Ethnic Media Association. Mr. Brytan is a well-known radio personality and is active in the Ukrainian Canadian community, including chairing the UCC's 120th Anniversary of Ukrainian Settlement Committee. Mr. Brytan will receive the award at the Canadian Ethnic Media Association (CEMA) Journalism of Excellence Awards Gala in Toronto. The Ziniak Award, named for CEMA's founder, is given by CEMA for excellence in ethnic journalism is awarded to the person who through journalism has championed Canadian multiculturalism... |
The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) has renewed its call for an independent review of the Canadian Human Rights Museum (CMHR) and a suspension of incremental funding by the federal government amid media reports that the museum is behind schedule and over budget. "The Ukrainian Canadian Congress has called for an inclusive and equitable Museum and continues to call upon the leadership of the CMHR to clearly present the actual design and content of the museum to Canadians for public review," stated UCC National President Paul Grod. "We are also calling for greater transparency and public accountability by the museum... |
The Taras Shevchenko bronze statue that disappeared from the Shevchenko. Memorial Park in North Oakville, Ontario in 2001 was found intact in Hamilton in November, 2011. Shevchenko Memorial Park, owned and operated by the Taras H. Shevchenko. Museum and Memorial Park Foundation, is devoted to the Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko (1814–1861), artist, humanist, and founder of the modern Ukrainian language, twice celebrated as a cultural leader of world acclaim by UNESCO. The Foundation also operates a Taras Shevchenko Museum, located at 1614 Bloor Street West, Toronto... |
During National Holodomor Awareness Week (November, 2011) the Waterloo Ukrainian Students’ Association (WUSA) held commemorative events to raise awareness of the Holodomor, the 1932-33 artificial famine that claimed millions of lives in Ukraine. During the week, WUSA members from the University of Waterloo and Sir Wilfrid Laurier University displayed information booths in campus student centers. The exhibit “Famine by Genocide”, produced by the League of Ukrainian Canadians, captured the attention of other students and faculty members at both universities. WUSA members distributed small cards and bookmarks with information about the Holodomor and spread awareness of this tragedy... |
On Monday, January 9, 2012, Olga Pawluk celebrated her 103rd birthday. A day before over 40 relatives including great great grandchildren celebrated with Mrs. Pawluk at the seniors home on LaRose Avenue in Toronto. She was born Olga Geraimchuk in Kodnia near Zhitomyr, Ukraine, when it was a part of the Russian Empire. Russia then used the Julian calendar which made her birthday January 9th which she preferred to December 27th the date it would be according to the Gregorian calendar used in North America. She preferred the Julian date because it made her younger. If you ask her the secret of her long life she will answer with one word: walking... |